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Dango soup

Dango soup

Dango-jiru is a typical dish of Oita, where dumplings made by kneading flour and spreading them into strips are made with miso along with vegetables from the four seasons. It is...

Cancer jiru

Cancer jiru

Ganjiru is a local dish of Usa made using crab (also called mokuzugani or zugani) caught in large and small rivers that flow through the Usa Plain from winter to spring. Since i...

Gomadashi udon

Gomadashi udon

“Gomadashi” is a paste-like seasoning made by adding plenty of sesame seeds to mirin, soy sauce, and sugar by loosening the grilled fish called “eso,” which is caught throughout...

Oita blowfish

Oita blowfish

The Bungo Channel has an abundance of favorite fugu foods such as abalone and turban, and the rapid current of the Kuroshio Current makes it a mess. It is a deliciousness unique...

Yukinko sushi

Yukinko sushi

The crispy daikon radish and the soft texture of thick shiitake mushrooms, a specialty of Oita, are unique, the sweetness of shiitake mushrooms and the sourness of daikon, and t...



Boil noodles that are 2 meters long, made by hand-rolling flour, add soy sauce, mirin, etc. to a mixture of dried sardines, kelp, and shiitake mushrooms, and soak them in a soup...



“Ryukyu” faces the Seto Inland Sea and is blessed with abundant seafood in Oita prefecture, where fresh fish fillets such as horse mackerel, yellowtail, and amberjack are soaked...

Saeki sushi

Saeki sushi

The Bungo Channel, which is a complex rias coast, nurtures such a unique topography, is one of the leading fishing grounds in Japan, where the warm current Kuroshio Current coll...



It is a local dish of Oita where kneaded flour is spread flat and boiled, sprinkled with kinako and sugar. It is the same noodle as dango soup. There is a trick to how to stretc...

Hita yakisoba

Hita yakisoba

Hita yakisoba is a local gourmet from Hita, Oita prefecture, where freshly boiled raw noodles are baked to the verge of burning, and seasoned with sauce along with crispy bean s...

Hinagu Chikuwa

Hinagu Chikuwa

It is said that Hinagu chikuwa began in Meiji 16 when bamboo was rolled up and rotated while baking it. The characteristic of Hinagu chikuwa is that it conveys the same taste as...

Usa karaage

Usa karaage

Karaage from Oita prefecture, where chicken consumption per person is said to be one of the highest in Japan, especially from Usa City and Nakatsu City, is soaked in a sauce bas...