Anyoji ramen

The depth of Shinshu miso, Anyoji ramen that Saku is proud of
Anyoji ramen

About Anyoji ramen

Anyoji ramen is a local ramen made with “Anyoji miso” from Saku City, Nagano Prefecture. Anyoji miso is said to have been popularized by Kakushin, a monk who brought back miso making techniques from China during the Kamakura period, and is regarded as the birthplace of Shinshu miso. Utilizing this traditional miso, local chambers of commerce and ramen shopkeepers cooperated to create “Anyoji ramen.”

The biggest characteristic of Anyoji ramen is the mellow richness and deep flavor of Anyoji miso, which has been aged longer than normal. Each store offers soup and ingredients with a unique arrangement, so you can enjoy different flavors from store to store. As a specialty of Saku City, it is a dish loved not only by local residents but also by tourists.

This ramen is spreading its appeal all over the country as a special cup that combines long history and new creations while making use of local ingredients.


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Regional cuisine of Nagano region

Japanese Cuisine - Ramen