“SORORA!” a name from making it so soon

Sorakitamochi Oita

Oita Other recommended dishes

Dango soup Oita
Dango soup

Dango-jiru is a typical dish of Oita, where dumplings made by kneading flour and spre...

Yoshino chicken rice Oita
Yoshino chicken rice

Yoshino chicken rice is a home-cooked dish handed down in the Yoshino district in the...

Cape gazami Oita
Cape gazami

In the Kakachi area of Bungotakada, there are many good fishing grounds for blue crab...

Sake manju Oita
Sake manju

The Hohi region is composed of Takeda City and Bungoono City located in the southwest...

Jiriyaki Oita

Oita Prefecture is known for its heavy consumption of chicken, but the flour food cul...

Bungo Beppu Bay Crepe Oita
Bungo Beppu Bay Crepe

“Shirasu” is the blessings of nature in Beppu Bay. Whitebait fishing has been popular...


Local cuisinerelated dishes

Powdered seaweed Fukui
Powdered seaweed

“Peach seaweed” is a natural natural food made by drying the best natural seaweed fro...

Manju Okinawa

Manju is a manju with the word “no” written on a white skin, and it represents “noshi...

Omakizushi Chiba

It is a type of sushi that has been handed down to farmers and other families. Its hi...

Fukui plum Fukui
Fukui plum

Fukui plum cultivation has a long history, and it is said that it originated in Wakas...

red konjac Shiga
red konjac

Red konjac, which is rare even across the country, has been said to have been dyed re...

Tofuchikuwa Tottori

Generally speaking of chikuwa, fish is normal, but “Tofuchikuwa” is a unique processe...
