It's a delicious tofu! Daisen tofu

Daisen tofu Kanagawa

Kanagawa Other recommended dishes

Odawara Kamaboko Kanagawa
Odawara Kamaboko

The history dates back to the Edo period, and at the time of Sankinkotai, the samurai...

Taimeshi Kanagawa

There are taimeshi in various parts of Japan, but Tanimeshi in Kanagawa is mainly eat...

Chinatown Nikuman Kanagawa
Chinatown Nikuman

It is different from the meat mans sold at convenience stores. There are quite a few ...

Yokosuka Navy Curry Kanagawa
Yokosuka Navy Curry

In the Meiji period, the menu devised to combat beriberi of naval soldiers is derived...

Gyu-abe Kanagawa

The history of gyu-nabe started from the history of Yokohama opening port. It is a ho...

YOKOHAMA IKEI Ramen Kanagawa

Its history dates back to 1974 and begins with the opening of Yoshimuraya in Isogo-ku...


Local cuisinerelated dishes

Taro no koroni Fukui
Taro no koroni

The biggest event of the Jodo Shinshu sect held from autumn to New Year is called Hoo...

Tofuchikuwa Tottori

Generally speaking of chikuwa, fish is normal, but “Tofuchikuwa” is a unique processe...

Sakura shrimp Shizuoka
Sakura shrimp

Sakura shrimp is a precious seafood caught only in Suruga Bay and Taiwan in the world...

Kamo eggplant dengaku Kyoto
Kamo eggplant dengaku

Kamo eggplant is one of the most popular traditional vegetables in Kyoto. It features...

Hamamatsu Gyoza Shizuoka
Hamamatsu Gyoza

The production of “cabbage”, “onion” and “pork” was popular in Hamamatsu, so it becam...

Koikoku Nagano

Nagano Prefecture (especially Saku region) is an area where carp farming is thriving....
