
A simple bowl that brings good luck, and Yamaguchi's traditional kabuzoni

About Kabuzoni

Kabuzoni is a simple yet flavourful local dish that is widely eaten mainly in Hagi City, Yamaguchi Prefecture. It is popular as a staple New Year's dish, and is made with soy sauce-based sumashi soup with round mochi, turnips, and trefoil as ingredients. Round mochi boiled without baking goes well with the slightly thick sumashi soup, and the slight sweetness of turnip spreads gently. It is also characteristic that thinly cut surume is added by tying it to enhance the scent and appearance.

This dish contains the meaning of carrying good fortune by adding turnips, “stocks will rise,” and it has been useful at places of celebration since ancient times. There is still a custom where families gather at the end of the year, men make mochi, and women prepare New Year's food. While kabuzoni is simple, it is a dish that values local culture and customs.


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Regional cuisine of Yamaguchi region

Japanese Cuisine - Local cuisine