The hometown of the famous bronze statue “Hachiko, the Faithful Dog” in Shibuya [Hachiko's sweets]

Hachiko's sweets Akita

Akita Other recommended dishes

Aigake Jindai Curry Akita
Aigake Jindai Curry

The Jindai district in Semboku City, Akita Prefecture, is a rice cultivation area whe...

Natto soup Akita
Natto soup

Natto soup is miso soup mixed with carefully ground natto. It is a local dish handed ...

Yamauchi potato soup Akita
Yamauchi potato soup

In the southern part of Akita prefecture, taro is called “imonoko.” Among them, “Yama...

Jumonji ramen Akita
Jumonji ramen

Jumonji ramen is a ramen that is eaten in a region centered on the Jumonji area of Yo...

Raw corn Akita
Raw corn

“Morokoshi” is a confectionery that has been eaten in Akita prefecture for a long tim...

Agar dishes Akita
Agar dishes

Agar culture is rooted in Akita prefecture, and when you visit, you can enjoy agar di...


Local cuisinerelated dishes

Gohei Mochi Gifu
Gohei Mochi

Goheimochi is a local dish that has been popular since ancient times in the mountaino...

Crafted fish paste Toyama
Crafted fish paste

Another thing that is attracting attention when it comes to Toyama fish paste is “zai...

Dango soup Oita
Dango soup

Dango-jiru is a typical dish of Oita, where dumplings made by kneading flour and spre...

Yawata Gyoza Fukuoka
Yawata Gyoza

Workers working at the government-run Yawata Steel Works had severe physical fatigue ...

Hakata zoni Fukuoka
Hakata zoni

It is an essential zoni for New Year's holidays, but Hakata zoni is eaten mainly in F...

White shaved ice Kagoshima
White shaved ice

Shirakuma is a sweet that has long been popular in Kagoshima for shaved ice made with...
