On the day of Hare such as ceremonial occasions and New Year holidays

Ebisu (berobero) Ishikawa

Ishikawa Other recommended dishes

Sayori sashimi Ishikawa
Sayori sashimi

Ishikawa Prefecture boasts one of the top catches of sayori in Japan. Sayori is in se...

Incense box crab Ishikawa
Incense box crab

It refers to female snow crab landed in Ishikawa prefecture. Box crabs are about half...

Wajima fugu Ishikawa
Wajima fugu

Wajima in Ishikawa prefecture has one of the leading fishing ports “Wajima Port” in t...

Kanazawa curry Ishikawa
Kanazawa curry

Kanazawa curry is a curry and rice that has its own unique characteristics served at ...

Noto-don Ishikawa

Noto don is a local gourmet bowl served in the Okunoto district of Ishikawa Prefectur...

Komatsu udon Ishikawa
Komatsu udon

Komatsu udon, which is said to have been eaten by the haisheng Matsuo Basho, is a spe...


Local cuisinerelated dishes

Open port roll cake Nagasaki
Open port roll cake

Sasebo Open Port Roll Cake is a popular sweet of “Sasebo ☆ Star Product” developed wi...

Handmade sashimi konnyaku Ibaraki
Handmade sashimi konnyaku

The Okukuji region of Ibaraki Prefecture has been popular for growing konjac since an...

Hyuga Natsu Miyazaki
Hyuga Natsu

Hyuga summer is a citrus native to Miyazaki prefecture, and is a specialty fruit tree...

Cancer jiru Oita
Cancer jiru

Ganjiru is a local dish of Usa made using crab (also called mokuzugani or zugani) cau...

Oda tofu Fukui
Oda tofu

“Oto tofu” is made in the former town of Oda (Otacho, now Echizen Town) in Fukui Pref...

Takenoko soup Aomori
Takenoko soup

It is a local dish of Aomori Prefecture in a soup made with bamboo mushrooms. The bam...
