Toyama dried persimmons

About Toyama dried persimmons
“Toyama dried persimmons” are dried persimmons cultivated in the former town of Fukumitsu and the former town of Johana in Toyama prefecture, made from varieties of persimmons unique to production areas as raw materials.
The exterior is amber-colored and the size of a cannonball shape, and is characterized by a strong sweetness and chewy flavor and texture.
A variety called “Sansha,” which is vulnerable to anthracnose, is used for cultivation, and the shape can be adjusted by a special processing method.
When dried persimmons are dried, a process called “hand peeling” is performed. By “washing hands,” the water and sugar content of persimmons are distributed uniformly. This work has not changed in the past or now; it is done by hand.
There are no foreign matter or odors in shipping standards, and size, color, shape, hardness, etc. are standardized.
The production volume is around 300 to 400 tons per year, and it is popular as a local specialty product and is also popular as a gift.
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