A mysterious dish that dobadobakake sake


Kagoshima Other recommended dishes

Kagoshima black beef Kagoshima
Kagoshima black beef

“Kagoshima black beef” has a melting texture woven from marbling with a low melting p...

Yamakawazuke Kagoshima

The Yamakawa district of Ibusuki City, Kagoshima Prefecture, where Yamakawazuke is ha...

Seared bonito Kagoshima
Seared bonito

Makurazaki City is located at the southernmost tip of the Satsuma Peninsula and is bl...

Kesen dango Kagoshima
Kesen dango

It is a Japanese confectionery with a smooth texture that spreads slightly sweet red ...

White shaved ice Kagoshima
White shaved ice

Shirakuma is a sweet that has long been popular in Kagoshima for shaved ice made with...

Mango Suites Kagoshima
Mango Suites

Mango from Kagoshima prefecture is a “ripe mango” that is completely ripe on the tree...


Sushirelated dishes

Funazushi (kojushi) Shiga
Funazushi (kojushi)

Funa zushi is a “narezushi” that has been salted and marinated in rice and fermented....

Yukinko sushi Oita
Yukinko sushi

The crispy daikon radish and the soft texture of thick shiitake mushrooms, a specialt...

Masu no sushi Toyama
Masu no sushi

Masu sushi is a local dish from Toyama Prefecture and is also known as ekiben. It is...

Kankanzushi (here prank) Kagawa
Kankanzushi (here prank)

“Sawara” tells the spring on Sanuki Road. “Kankan sushi (zushi)” is a local dish usin...


When the fruit enters the beans and the wheat begins to ripen, the Seto Sea is crowde...

Ajino Maru Oita
Ajino Maru

Fish mackerel has been popular since ancient times in Saiki City, located in the sout...
