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Oita Other recommended dishes

Takada soba Oita
Takada soba

Bungotakada soba has a major characteristic that it is cultivated twice a year in spr...

Yaseuma Oita

It is a local dish of Oita where kneaded flour is spread flat and boiled, sprinkled w...

Kujaku Oita

Kujaku, which is handed down to Saiki City, is a boiled egg with red colored white me...

Ryukyu Oita

“Ryukyu” faces the Seto Inland Sea and is blessed with abundant seafood in Oita prefe...

Cape gazami Oita
Cape gazami

In the Kakachi area of Bungotakada, there are many good fishing grounds for blue crab...

Hyugadon Oita

Tsukumi Hyugadon is put red meat of tuna on a special sauce with soy sauce, sugar, sa...


Tenpurarelated dishes

Koshiabura Nagano

New shoots with a unique aroma that grow in early spring are edible and treated as wi...

Deep-fried mehikari Miyazaki
Deep-fried mehikari

Mexicali is a small fish of about 5 to 15 cm caught at a depth of about 300 m in the ...

Jakoten Ehime

Jakoten is a local dish from the Nanyo region of Ehime Prefecture, which is made from...

Salad chikuwa Kumamoto
Salad chikuwa

It is a dish in which potato salad is tightly packed in a chikuwa hole and deep-fried...

Chicken wings Aichi
Chicken wings

Speaking of Nagoya's representative style, it is “chicken wings”. Deep-fry chicken wi...

Kitakami croquette Iwate
Kitakami croquette

Kitakami Cookers Association stood up saying “something specialty in Kitakami City”, ...
