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Oita Other recommended dishes

Cape gazami Oita
Cape gazami

In the Kakachi area of Bungotakada, there are many good fishing grounds for blue crab...

Jigoku-steamed Oita

“Jigoku-mushi”, which has continued since the Edo period, is a cooking method for ste...

Yoshino chicken rice Oita
Yoshino chicken rice

Yoshino chicken rice is a home-cooked dish handed down in the Yoshino district in the...

Hyugadon Oita

Tsukumi Hyugadon is put red meat of tuna on a special sauce with soy sauce, sugar, sa...

Saeki sushi Oita
Saeki sushi

The Bungo Channel, which is a complex rias coast, nurtures such a unique topography, ...

Dango soup Oita
Dango soup

Dango-jiru is a typical dish of Oita, where dumplings made by kneading flour and spre...


Local cuisinerelated dishes

Kure tofu Saga
Kure tofu

In general tofu, soy milk is made into a solid substance using bittern, but in godofu...

Frozen tofu Fukushima
Frozen tofu

Frozen tofu is a healthy food rich in protein as well as calcium, iron, vitamin E and...

Haskap Hokkaido

Haskap, which has spread its name as a specialty fruit in Hokkaido, is used for jam a...

Miyagi Zundamochi Miyagi
Miyagi Zundamochi

Zundamochi is a mixture of green soybeans (edamame) before soybeans are boiled in sal...

shikinbai (shikinbai) Ibaraki
shikinbai (shikinbai)

Kairakuen in Mito, one of Japan's three great gardens, has about 100 varieties of plu...

red konjac Shiga
red konjac

Red konjac, which is rare even across the country, has been said to have been dyed re...
