“Ramen salad” ramen & vegetables make delicious and healthy!

Ramen salad Hokkaido

Hokkaido Other recommended dishes

How much soy sauce pickled Hokkaido
How much soy sauce pickled

The number of seafood that represents Hokkaido is widely known throughout Japan and e...

Simmered shishamono Hokkaido
Simmered shishamono

“Shishamono sweet boiled” is a local dish made using shishamo, one of Hokkaido's lead...

Luibbe Hokkaido

“Ruibe” is a local dish that fish such as salmon and trout are frozen and then eaten ...

Kelp roll Hokkaido
Kelp roll

In Hokkaido, which boasts the highest quantity of kelp production in Japan, is rooted...

Asahikawa ramen Hokkaido
Asahikawa ramen

Asahikawa Ramen, one of the three major ramen in Hokkaido, is a simple ramen called a...

stewed kasbe Hokkaido
stewed kasbe

“Stewed kasbe” is a local dish for the winter, which is often prepared at home. “Kasb...


Local cuisinerelated dishes

Shimotsukare Tochigi

On the first day of February (the first morning of the afternoon of February), it is ...

Okinawa Miyakojima Mango Okinawa
Okinawa Miyakojima Mango

Miyakojima is a remote island in Okinawa and is a subtropical island located approxim...

Funankogui Saga

In the Saga Plain that spreads over Saga prefecture, there are many funas that have b...

Matsumae pickled Hokkaido
Matsumae pickled

It is a local dish using kelp, a specialty of Hokkaido Matsumae region. It is a prese...

Sasamaki anpu Wakayama
Sasamaki anpu

The history of fu, which is famous as a souvenir from Mt. Koya, is old, and it is sai...

Ebisu (berobero) Ishikawa
Ebisu (berobero)

Ebisu is sometimes an egg agar and is an essential food for every festival or celebra...
