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Oita Other recommended dishes

Toriten Oita

Toriten is a local dish loved since ancient times in Oita. It is a dish that uses pon...

Ajino Maru Oita
Ajino Maru

Fish mackerel has been popular since ancient times in Saiki City, located in the sout...

Takada soba Oita
Takada soba

Bungotakada soba has a major characteristic that it is cultivated twice a year in spr...

Jiriyaki Oita

Oita Prefecture is known for its heavy consumption of chicken, but the flour food cul...

Hocho Oita

Boil noodles that are 2 meters long, made by hand-rolling flour, add soy sauce, mirin...

Get it from Nakatsu Oita
Get it from Nakatsu

The B-class gourmet “Nakatsu Karaage” representing Oita Prefecture is now famous nati...


Don dishrelated dishes

Taimeshi Kanagawa

There are taimeshi in various parts of Japan, but Tanimeshi in Kanagawa is mainly eat...

Misaki tamago kake gohan Okayama
Misaki tamago kake gohan

It is a dish that is particular about Misaki-cho, such as freshly laid eggs from Misa...

Chestnut rice Kyoto
Chestnut rice

Tanba kuri is one of Kyoto's local specialties in the Tanba region, and is very large...

Harako rice Miyagi
Harako rice

Harakomeshi is one of the local dishes of Watari Town, Miyagi prefecture. It is a sal...

Mihara Takomeshi Hiroshima
Mihara Takomeshi

Mihara City in Hiroshima Prefecture is also a dense area with many islands, and it is...

Sauce katsudon Fukushima
Sauce katsudon

It is a traditional dish of Aizu in Fukushima Prefecture, which is topped with shredd...
