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Onomichi ramen

Onomichi ramen

Onomichi ramen has a pork back fat that adds rich flavor to the soy sauce base. Chicken bone soup with seafood (such as iriko) is characteristic. The noodles are mainly flat noo...

Olive Hamachi

Olive Hamachi

Olive yellowtail is cultured by feeding mixed with olive leaf powder, which is a prefectural tree of Kagawa Prefecture, and is properly managed under certain rules such as the p...

Tarai Udon

Tarai Udon

Tara-udon noodles are characterized by the strength of hand-made rice noodles, which are literally transferred to a tub and eaten on a soup stock. There are many specialty shops...

oyster bank pot

oyster bank pot

The earthenware pot makes you want to eat without sex on a cold day. Oyster bowl is a local dish that originated in Hiroshima where you can eat raw oysters and vegetables with m...

Hiroshima-style Okonomiyaki

Hiroshima-style Okonomiyaki

Okonomiyaki in Hiroshima is the mainstream of Okonomiyaki, where vegetables such as dough and cabbage, meat, and eggs are layered. Noodles such as Chinese noodles and udon are o...

Tottori Matsuba Crab

Tottori Matsuba Crab

Of the snow crab, the grown male is called “Matsubagani”, and it is a winter taste representative of Tottori where you can enjoy the full body and elegant umami. Matsuba fishin...

Maitake Gohan

Maitake Gohan

Maitake rice is a rice cooked with vegetables such as Maitake and carrots, a specialty of Iinan Town. Aromatic and crunchy Maitake mushroom is rich in nutrients and is popular ...

Kashiwa mochi

Kashiwa mochi

It is made throughout Shimane prefecture during the Tango Festival, and is popular as a snack for children. It is called “kashiwa mochi,” but since kashiwa leaves do not grow na...

Hiroshima Tsukemen

Hiroshima Tsukemen

Shingu, who was inspired by China in Showa 29, opened a Chinese restaurant “Shinkaen” in Hiroshima. At that time, the “Reimen” served in this shop was popular. It is said that t...



Generally speaking of chikuwa, fish is normal, but “Tofuchikuwa” is a unique processed food found in the central and eastern areas of Tottori Prefecture. It is steamed by mixing...

Mihara Takomeshi

Mihara Takomeshi

Mihara City in Hiroshima Prefecture is also a dense area with many islands, and it is known as a famous octopus production area. Takomeshi is cooked rice made from freshly caug...

Bukkake udon

Bukkake udon

Speaking of Bukkake Udon, it is one of the specialties of Kagawa Prefecture, but its birthplace is located in Kurashiki City, Okayama Prefecture. Kurashiki's specialty udon is ...