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Wakayama Other recommended dishes

Sparrow sushi Wakayama
Sparrow sushi

“Small bream sparrow sushi” is a local sushi from Wakayama prefecture that has been e...

Kumano beef Wakayama
Kumano beef

Kumano beef is said to be the root of Kumano beef from Kyoto during the Heian period....

Spiny lobster Wakayama
Spiny lobster

Spiny lobster is a representative high-class ingredient in the Kinan region where the...

Wasabi sushi Wakayama
Wasabi sushi

“Wasabi sushi” wrapped in wasabi leaves grown in the clear stream of the Arida River ...

Kushikaki Wakayama

Kushikaki making began in Shigo about 400 years ago, and the dry and cold wind blowin...

Sasamaki anpu Wakayama
Sasamaki anpu

The history of fu, which is famous as a souvenir from Mt. Koya, is old, and it is sai...


Local cuisinerelated dishes

Yangome Chiba

“Yangome” is a dish made of stir-fried rice and boiled azuki beans mixed with sugar. ...

Okuto Fukuoka

“Okuto” originated in Fukuoka, has been familiar with locals in Fukuoka since ancient...

Karashi root Kumamoto
Karashi root

The texture of the squishy lotus root and its spiciness because it always goes out in...

azuki zoni Tottori
azuki zoni

Zoni in Oshogatsu is rich in local color, and various zoni are eaten throughout the c...

Shogoin turnip Kyoto
Shogoin turnip

It is the largest turnip in Japan and is a kind of Kyoto vegetable. It is designated ...

Cherries in Sanseki Akita
Cherries in Sanseki

The Miseki district of Yuzawa City is known as a cherry producing area, and is a fert...
