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Shizuoka Other recommended dishes

Unashige Shizuoka

Speaking of Shizuoka, it is a famous eel production area. The area around Lake Hamana...

Eggs are fluffy Shizuoka
Eggs are fluffy

“Egg fuwafuwa” is a dish that appeared in the Edo period document “Sendai Shimomuko N...

Takaashani Shizuoka

Takashi Crab is the world's largest crab caught in Suruga Bay. The taste is refreshin...

put Neapolitan Shizuoka
put Neapolitan

“Tsuke-Napolitan” is a popular local gourmet in Fuji City, Shizuoka Prefecture. It is...

Hamamatsu Gyoza Shizuoka
Hamamatsu Gyoza

The production of “cabbage”, “onion” and “pork” was popular in Hamamatsu, so it becam...

Mishima croquette Shizuoka
Mishima croquette

Mishima croquettes are croquettes made from Mishima potatoes (make-in) harvested at t...


Meat dishrelated dishes

Towada rose Aomori
Towada rose

Towada barayaki is a local gourmet for the purpose of town okoshi and is positioned a...

Towadako Kogen Pork “Peach Pork” Akita
Towadako Kogen Pork “Peach Pork”

Since peach pigs are born without diseases, they are raised with almost no chemicals ...

Omi beef Shiga
Omi beef

Omi beef is one of Japan's three major Wagyu beef and is one of the main products to ...

Iga beef steak Mie
Iga beef steak

Iga beef is a brand beef raised in the Iga region of Mie Prefecture. It is said that ...

Chiya beef Okayama
Chiya beef

It is a Japanese black breed that inherits the lineage of Japan's oldest vine beef (l...

Kesennuma Hormone Miyagi
Kesennuma Hormone

Kesennuma Hormone is a pork grilled dish that has been eaten in Kesennuma City, Miyag...
