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Okinawa Other recommended dishes

Chinsuko Okinawa

It is a baked confectionery made mainly of flour, lard, sugar, etc. The origin of ch...

tacos Okinawa

Taco born in Mexico and taco rice born in Okinawa with tacos hints are both the soul ...

Okinawan Cuisine Champloo Okinawa
Okinawan Cuisine Champloo

“Chanpuru” means “gojamaze” in the Okinawan dialect. It is a dish made with vegetable...

juicy Okinawa

Juicy is Okinawan style cooked rice cooked with pork belly and vegetables such as hij...

Manju Okinawa

Manju is a manju with the word “no” written on a white skin, and it represents “noshi...

Pawpaw Okinawa

Pawpaw is an Okinawan confectionery made by dissolving wheat flour in an appropriate ...


Local cuisinerelated dishes

steamed Ishikawa

There are “Kaga vegetables” as the brand vegetables certified by Kanazawa City. Among...

put Neapolitan Shizuoka
put Neapolitan

“Tsuke-Napolitan” is a popular local gourmet in Fuji City, Shizuoka Prefecture. It is...

Okinawan Cuisine Champloo Okinawa
Okinawan Cuisine Champloo

“Chanpuru” means “gojamaze” in the Okinawan dialect. It is a dish made with vegetable...

Chimaki Fukuoka

Chimaki in the Chinese restaurant “Toshin Sekai” is a specialty of Hakata Nakasu. Any...

Katsuyama oyaki Fukui
Katsuyama oyaki

“Oyaki” loved by Katsuyama citizens is a Japanese confectionary made by wrapping slig...

Hachiko's sweets Akita
Hachiko's sweets

Odate city in Akita prefecture is the hometown of the loyal dog Hachiko, and sells va...
