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Fukui Other recommended dishes

Ton-chan Fukui

When talking about Ono city located in the eastern part of Fukui prefecture, “hormone...

Five-colored shellfish Fukui
Five-colored shellfish

It is a “cypress scallop (cypress scallop)” with vivid colors such as yellow, orange,...

Wakasa Garei Fukui
Wakasa Garei

Dried willow sparrows caught in Wakasa Bay are called “Wakasa flounder.” Warm and co...

natural eel Fukui
natural eel

You can catch natural eel in Wakasa and Mikatagoko in Fukui Prefecture. The natural e...

Powdered seaweed Fukui
Powdered seaweed

“Peach seaweed” is a natural natural food made by drying the best natural seaweed fro...

Kumagawa waste Fukui
Kumagawa waste

As for Kumagawa kuzu, kudzu from Kumagawa has become so popular that the Confucian sc...


Local cuisinerelated dishes

Tokushima Burger Tokushima
Tokushima Burger

These hamburgers are made from Tokushima brand ingredients such as Awa beef, Awa chic...

tail Kagawa

Sanuki udon is too famous, but in the old days it was thought that udon and soy sauc...

Jibu Ishikawa

Jibuni is one of the traditional dishes of Kanazawa, Ishikawa Prefecture, “Kaga cuisi...

Sake manju Oita
Sake manju

The Hohi region is composed of Takeda City and Bungoono City located in the southwest...

cicilian rice Saga
cicilian rice

The cicilian rice is fried meat and vegetables such as tomatoes and lettuce on top of...

Kurumagan Niigata

Kurumafu, which has long been familiar as a local dish of Niigata's “taste of omukuro...
