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Ibaraki Other recommended dishes

Okukuji shamo yakitori Ibaraki
Okukuji shamo yakitori

Okukuji Shamo is a chicken raised in a mountainous area surrounded by nature in Okuku...

grilled chestnuts Ibaraki
grilled chestnuts

Ibaraki Prefecture boasts the number number one in Japan for both the cultivation are...

Carp in Ibaraki Ibaraki
Carp in Ibaraki

There are many carp dishes in Ibaraki Prefecture, and you can enjoy various types of ...

Mukago gohan Ibaraki
Mukago gohan

It's cooked rice from Mukago. “Mukago” is a small bud (shiyuga) formed at the base of...

Nashu in Ibaraki Ibaraki
Nashu in Ibaraki

I am farming catfish in Kasumigaura in Ibaraki Prefecture. Catfish can be sashimi, te...

Handmade sashimi konnyaku Ibaraki
Handmade sashimi konnyaku

The Okukuji region of Ibaraki Prefecture has been popular for growing konjac since an...


Local cuisinerelated dishes

Izumo Zenzai Shimane
Izumo Zenzai

Because it is said to be the birthplace of zenzai, Izumo, where Izumo Taisha Shrine i...

Saga Nori Saga
Saga Nori

Saga Nori is farmed in the Ariake Sea. Nutrient-rich fresh water and seawater are mod...

Shimotsukare Tochigi

On the first day of February (the first morning of the afternoon of February), it is ...

Whale Chiba

Whale sauce is a local dish of Minamiboso, Chiba Prefecture, where whale meat is pick...

Gyuman Hiroshima

The beef ingredients are meat buns that use the highest grade Hiroshima beef in A4 to...

Gorojima Kintoki Ishikawa
Gorojima Kintoki

Gorojima Kintoki is a sweet potato that is mainly produced in the Agasaki district of...
