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Akita Other recommended dishes

Yamaimo nabe Akita
Yamaimo nabe

The specialty dish “Yamaimo Nabe” in the Lake Tazawako district is grated “yam”, whic...

Shirakami abalone Akita
Shirakami abalone

Happo-cho in Akita prefecture is located in the vast World Natural Heritage Site “Shi...

Hanazushi Akita

It is a pickled eggplant peculiar to Akita prefecture. Edible chrysanthemums, chili p...

Ishikawa soba Akita
Ishikawa soba

In the Ishikawa area, soba cultivation has been popular since more than 300 years ago...

Agar dishes Akita
Agar dishes

Agar culture is rooted in Akita prefecture, and when you visit, you can enjoy agar di...

Basa Akita

Gibashi is the same seaweed as wakame and mozuku, which has been eaten in Akita Prefe...


Nabe dishrelated dishes

Jabu Tottori

In times when meat was not readily available as it is today, it was a valuable feast ...

Shishinabe Nara

Shishinabe is a traditional nabe dish made with boars that live in the mountains of N...

Tangerine pot Yamaguchi
Tangerine pot

Suo-Oshima accounts for 80% of the mandarin orange production in Yamaguchi prefecture...

Ibaraki Anko Nabe Ibaraki
Ibaraki Anko Nabe

It is a local dish of Ibaraki Prefecture, and it is said to be the best season from w...

Isaza's Junjun Shiga
Isaza's Junjun

In the Kohoku and Kosai regions, sukiyaki is called “Junjun”. Isaza, also known as La...

Yonezawa beef Yamagata
Yonezawa beef

Brand beef boasting over 100 years of history Yonezawa beef, the three largest Wagyu ...
