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Hokkaido Other recommended dishes

Hakodate ramen Hokkaido
Hakodate ramen

Hakodate ramen is a popular local ramen in Hokkaido along with Sapporo ramen and Asah...

Zangi Hokkaido

Zangi is a chicken dish that is popular in Hokkaido, which is pickled in ginger, soy ...

Ramen salad Hokkaido
Ramen salad

Vegetable ingredients are more than chilled Chinese and are eaten as Izakaya and home...

Muroran Yakitori Hokkaido
Muroran Yakitori

Muroran Yakitori, as its name suggests, is a “yakitori” invented in Muroran City, Hok...

Haskap Hokkaido

Haskap, which has spread its name as a specialty fruit in Hokkaido, is used for jam a...

How much soy sauce pickled Hokkaido
How much soy sauce pickled

The number of seafood that represents Hokkaido is widely known throughout Japan and e...


Meat dishrelated dishes

Okinawan traditional cuisine suchikar Okinawa
Okinawan traditional cuisine suchikar

Suchikar is a traditional Okinawan dish, and is a preserved food made with pork salte...

Atsugi Shirokoro Hormones Kanagawa
Atsugi Shirokoro Hormones

It is a dish made by grilling the large intestine of a pig. In Atsugi, there is the ...

Towada rose Aomori
Towada rose

Towada barayaki is a local gourmet for the purpose of town okoshi and is positioned a...

Wakasa beef Fukui
Wakasa beef

It is the highest grade wagyu certified according to strict standards from Japanese b...

Miyazaki beef steak Miyazaki
Miyazaki beef steak

Miyazaki beef is a Japanese black beef produced and fattened in Miyazaki Prefecture. ...

sukiyaki Gunma

Gunma has many rich agricultural and livestock products, such as “Joshu beef,” which ...
