
Savor the history and traditions of Daejeon in one bite. Horn sushi - small shape, great pleasure.

About kakura-zushi

“Kakuzushi” is a traditional local dish from Ota City in Shimane Prefecture, and is especially enjoyed during festivals. It is made by using a small wooden frame of about 5 cm, layering ingredients such as vinegared rice and sweet-spicy cooked vegetables, and finally adding color with kinshi eggs. Fish or meat are not used as ingredients, and vegetables such as carrots and shiitake mushrooms are the main ingredients. Also, since it has excellent preservation properties, it is often served on special occasions and celebrations. “Kakuzushi” can be said to be a bite-sized happy memory filled with local flavors and history and culture that has continued since the Edo period.
* “Box sushi,” like “kakazushi,” is a type of sushi sushi, but the difference lies in the shape and size of the wooden frame used.


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Regional cuisine of Shimane region

Japanese Cuisine - Sushi