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Sex mochi

Sex mochi

It was invented by 'OHARA YUGaku', a peasant leader who was active in the end of the Edo period. The name 'Seigaku mochi' is named after the study 'Seigaku' taught by Yugaku OHA...

Tempura of salted bamboo shoots

Tempura of salted bamboo shoots

“Tempura of salted bamboo shoots” is a simple dish in which salted bamboo shoots are washed and then flavored with seasonings and made into tempura. The bamboo shoots used in th...



“Yangome” is a dish made of stir-fried rice and boiled azuki beans mixed with sugar. It looks similar to Akihan, but slightly sweet and has a parapara. It is eaten as an auspici...

Marudried saury

Marudried saury

Sanma maruboshi, a specialty of Mie Prefecture, is finished in a reasonable salting method by sun drying using nature, climate and the advantage of land. It is a winter taste of...

HISEI Kakioko

HISEI Kakioko

Hinsei Kakioko is a local dish of Okayama Prefecture, and is an okonomiyaki with oysters. Nichi-ku, Bizen City, Okayama Prefecture is known for the best oyster landing in Okaya...