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Kumamoto Other recommended dishes

Shak tempura Kumamoto
Shak tempura

The summer taste of Kumamoto, shaku (majaku), is officially called 'anajako,' and liv...

Ichimonji Guruguru Kumamoto
Ichimonji Guruguru

“Hitomoji” is called wakegi outside of Kumamoto, but those grown in Kumamoto are uniq...

Aso pickled mustard Kumamoto
Aso pickled mustard

“Aso mustard” is a traditional vegetable grown in the cold climate of Aso and the lan...

Kumamoto ramen Kumamoto
Kumamoto ramen

This ramen was propagated from Kurume City, Fukuoka Prefecture, the birthplace of Ton...

Salad chikuwa Kumamoto
Salad chikuwa

It is a dish in which potato salad is tightly packed in a chikuwa hole and deep-fried...

Korean candy Kumamoto
Korean candy

“Korean candy” is the oldest venerable traditional confectionery in Kumamoto, and it ...


Tenpurarelated dishes

Fish cutlet Tokushima
Fish cutlet

“Fish cutlet” is made by adding curry powder, chili peppers, and seasonings to the su...

Get it from Nakatsu Oita
Get it from Nakatsu

The B-class gourmet “Nakatsu Karaage” representing Oita Prefecture is now famous nati...

Koshiabura Nagano

New shoots with a unique aroma that grow in early spring are edible and treated as wi...

Toriten Oita

Toriten is a local dish loved since ancient times in Oita. It is a dish that uses pon...

Aburu (Sendai) Miyagi
Aburu (Sendai)

Aburu is fried in oil and is also called Sendai-fu. Gluten, a protein contained in fl...

Tempura in Obi Miyazaki
Tempura in Obi

It is a unique tempura made by combining fresh fish surimi landed on the Nichinan coa...
