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Chiba Other recommended dishes

Ms. yaki Chiba
Ms. yaki

Horse mackerel, sardines, and saury were often caught around Boso Peninsula since anc...

Tempura of salted bamboo shoots Chiba
Tempura of salted bamboo shoots

“Tempura of salted bamboo shoots” is a simple dish in which salted bamboo shoots are ...

Takeoka-style ramen Chiba
Takeoka-style ramen

It is the place where Takeoka originated in Futtsu City, Chiba Prefecture. The way of...

Tai shabu Chiba
Tai shabu

I use fresh bream that can be eaten even with sashimi. Compared to beef and pork shab...

Whale Chiba

Whale sauce is a local dish of Minamiboso, Chiba Prefecture, where whale meat is pick...

Yangome Chiba

“Yangome” is a dish made of stir-fried rice and boiled azuki beans mixed with sugar. ...


Local cuisinerelated dishes

Tsuwabuki Miyazaki

It is a perennial plant of the family of chrysanaceae. It has a Japanese name for Tsu...

Mukago gohan Ibaraki
Mukago gohan

It's cooked rice from Mukago. “Mukago” is a small bud (shiyuga) formed at the base of...

Bukudan Onigiri Shimane
Bukudan Onigiri

Oki Island is an archipelago in the northeast of Shimane Prefecture and consists of f...

Mito Natto Ibaraki
Mito Natto

No one knows Mito natto right now, right? Ibaraki is more than a fermented food repre...

Sumoji Shimane

Shimane Prefecture boasts the nation's top annual catch of mackerel. Delicious macker...

Imoni Shimane

In Tsuwano, in autumn, the word “hey is the season of imoni” dances around the town. ...
