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Akita Other recommended dishes

Nishimonai soba Akita
Nishimonai soba

There have been many soba restaurants in Ugo-machi since ancient times, and each shop...

Hottsuru Nabe Akita
Hottsuru Nabe

Shottsuru is a seasoning of Akita's specialty. Its true identity is fish sauce. Salt ...

Three cups mochi Akita
Three cups mochi

It is a mochi confectionery eaten mainly in the Omagari Senboku area in the southern ...

Hinai chicken yakitori Akita
Hinai chicken yakitori

The northern part of Akita prefecture, which is a fertile land, is suitable for free-...

Kogyoku apple pie Akita
Kogyoku apple pie

“Kogyoku Apple's Apple Pie” has a fresh scent of apples drifting from the cut end of ...

Akita Kayaki Akita
Akita Kayaki

Kayaki is said to be a word accented with shellfish. It seems that it started when fi...


Local cuisinerelated dishes

put Neapolitan Shizuoka
put Neapolitan

“Tsuke-Napolitan” is a popular local gourmet in Fuji City, Shizuoka Prefecture. It is...

Kashiwa Mochi Shimane
Kashiwa Mochi

It is made throughout Shimane Prefecture at the time of Tango no Sekku, and is also p...

denim bun Okayama
denim bun

The Kojima district in Kurashiki, Okayama Prefecture is the birthplace of domestic je...

Mikuni Burger Fukui
Mikuni Burger

Mikuni Burger is a specialty hamburger made with local ingredients from Fukui Prefect...

Matsubara Okoshi Saga
Matsubara Okoshi

It is an old-fashioned handmade rice confectionery with plenty of brown sugar sprinkl...

Tochimochi Ishikawa

Tochimochi, which has dark grains and is slightly brownish, has been eaten since anci...
