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Ehime Other recommended dishes

Imabari Yakitori Ehime
Imabari Yakitori

Originally, yakitori is grilled on skewers and grilled over charcoal, but Imabari yak...

popo Ehime

Popo is a fruit of the Banreishi family native to North America. It is also called Ak...

Jakoten Ehime

Jakoten is a local dish from the Nanyo region of Ehime Prefecture, which is made from...

Senzanki Ehime

Senzanki is a dish around Imabari city in eastern Ehime Prefecture, and is said to be...

Hakata's salt ramen Ehime
Hakata's salt ramen

Sanwa's original salt ramen. A gentle ramen created in the image of the Seto Inland S...

Goshiki somen Ehime
Goshiki somen

Goshiki somen is one of Matsuyama's specialties that have been eaten since the Edo pe...


Local cuisinerelated dishes

Koshi no Ruby Fukui
Koshi no Ruby

“Koshi no Ruby” is the brand name for midi tomatoes produced in Fukui prefecture. Th...

Ichimonji Guruguru Kumamoto
Ichimonji Guruguru

“Hitomoji” is called wakegi outside of Kumamoto, but those grown in Kumamoto are uniq...

Let's Tofu (Tang Fuyo) Okinawa
Let's Tofu (Tang Fuyo)

Tofu is a delicacy in Okinawa's unique delicacy made with only natural ingredients. I...

Aigake Jindai Curry Akita
Aigake Jindai Curry

The Jindai district in Semboku City, Akita Prefecture, is a rice cultivation area whe...

Chiba soft ice cream Chiba
Chiba soft ice cream

Did you know that the cradle of soft ice cream is China? It has a history of 4000 yea...

Uzumizuzen Wakayama

Uzumi is a Buddhist style dish in which tofu and shiitake mushrooms are topped with s...
