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Wakayama Other recommended dishes

Sparrow sushi Wakayama
Sparrow sushi

“Small bream sparrow sushi” is a local sushi from Wakayama prefecture that has been e...

Mehari sushi Wakayama
Mehari sushi

Mehari Sushi is a regional dish of the Yoshino region, mainly in the Kumano region th...

Uzumizuzen Wakayama

Uzumi is a Buddhist style dish in which tofu and shiitake mushrooms are topped with s...

Wakayama Shirasu Bowl Wakayama
Wakayama Shirasu Bowl

Yuasa Town in Wakayama Prefecture is one of the largest in the prefecture and boasts ...

Umeboshi Wakayama

Plums in Wakayama prefecture rank first in Japan in terms of cultivation area (5,620 ...

Sasamaki anpu Wakayama
Sasamaki anpu

The history of fu, which is famous as a souvenir from Mt. Koya, is old, and it is sai...


Meat dishrelated dishes

Hormone-grilled Osaka

There are various theories that the internal organs such as the intestines, originall...

Yamanashi horse sashimi Yamanashi
Yamanashi horse sashimi

Yamanashi once had a thriving mountain climbing of Mt. Fuji due to geographical condi...

Matsuzaka chicken yakiniku Mie
Matsuzaka chicken yakiniku

Speaking of Matsusaka in Mie prefecture, the world brand “Matsusaka beef” is famous, ...

Towadako Kogen Pork “Peach Pork” Akita
Towadako Kogen Pork “Peach Pork”

Since peach pigs are born without diseases, they are raised with almost no chemicals ...

Rafte Okinawa

“Raftee” is a local dish of Okinawa Prefecture. “Raftee” is made by stewed carefully ...

Kobe beef steak Hyogo
Kobe beef steak

Kobe beef is a brand name for beef that can be used instead of the name of Tajima bee...
