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Tokyo Other recommended dishes

Shima-zushi Tokyo

Use shiira, medallis, alea, camellia, amberjack, and bonito caught on the island. Soy...

Anmitsu Tokyo

It was the birthplace of Ginza in the 1930s, and is derived from the fact that the be...

Jindaiji soba Tokyo
Jindaiji soba

Originally, the land was not suitable for rice production, and the abundance of water...

Edomae sushi Tokyo
Edomae sushi

Nigiri sushi and nori rolls made from fresh seafood caught in Tokyo Bay are called Ed...

Tendon Tokyo

“Tendon,” where you eat tempura with crispy batter with rice and a sweet and spicy sa...

Kanto oden Tokyo
Kanto oden

Oden is not a common name throughout Japan, and in the Kansai region, it is sometimes...


Local cuisinerelated dishes

Henba mochi Mie
Henba mochi

Henba-mochi is a mochi confectionary manufactured and sold by the long-established Ja...

Koukuma Kagoshima

A mango-flavored white bear with an original arrangement added to Kagoshima's special...

Ayu confectionary Gifu
Ayu confectionary

Ayu confectionary is a famous confectionary from Gifu in the shape of sweetfish swimm...

steamed Ishikawa

There are “Kaga vegetables” as the brand vegetables certified by Kanazawa City. Among...

Ebi meshi Okayama
Ebi meshi

“Ebi-meshi” is a unique type of fried rice that combines caramel sauce and ketchup an...

Zaru tofu Saga
Zaru tofu

Natural bittern is put into soy milk, solidified, and then put it in a colander, so w...
