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Akita Other recommended dishes

Pumpkin pie Akita
Pumpkin pie

It is a handmade pie with a modest sweetness that is carefully baked one by one by wr...

Hottsuru Nabe Akita
Hottsuru Nabe

Shottsuru is a seasoning of Akita's specialty. Its true identity is fish sauce. Salt ...

Jumonji ramen Akita
Jumonji ramen

Jumonji ramen is a ramen that is eaten in a region centered on the Jumonji area of Yo...

Dutch ware Akita
Dutch ware

The appearance of “Dutch yaki” is similar to oban-yaki or imagawa-yaki. However, it i...

Babajera Akita

Babajera is an ice sale on the street where people of Akita do not know. It is a refr...

Nishimonai soba Akita
Nishimonai soba

There have been many soba restaurants in Ugo-machi since ancient times, and each shop...


Ramenrelated dishes

Kitakata ramen Fukushima
Kitakata ramen

Kitakata ramen, as its name suggests, is a local ramen in Kitakata City, Fukushima Pr...

Nabeyaki ramen Kochi
Nabeyaki ramen

The light soup has a soy sauce taste of chicken bones, and the noodles are crunchy th...

Sakata ramen Yamagata
Sakata ramen

Sakata ramen is a ramen that originated in the northern part of the Shonai region, ma...

stamina ramen Ibaraki
stamina ramen

Local ramen that was born in Ibaraki in the Showa 50s. It is a ramen made with plenty...

Kasaoka ramen Okayama
Kasaoka ramen

It is one of the local ramen representing Okayama Prefecture that originated in Kasao...

Sapporo ramen Hokkaido
Sapporo ramen

Speaking of Sapporo, “miso ramen”. The soup is made with miso flavor, medium thick ch...
