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Tokushima Other recommended dishes

Bamboo chikuwa Tokushima
Bamboo chikuwa

“Bamboo chikuwa” is one of Tokushima Prefecture's soul foods. What's the difference ...

Awa wasanbon sugar Tokushima
Awa wasanbon sugar

Wasanbon sugar is one of the few domestically produced sugars that are produced tradi...

Tarai Udon Tokushima
Tarai Udon

Tara-udon noodles are characterized by the strength of hand-made rice noodles, which ...

Dokomawashi Tokushima

“Dekomawashi” is a miso dengaku that is made by stinging local potatoes, soba dumplin...

Fish cutlet Tokushima
Fish cutlet

“Fish cutlet” is made by adding curry powder, chili peppers, and seasonings to the su...

Tokushima Burger Tokushima
Tokushima Burger

These hamburgers are made from Tokushima brand ingredients such as Awa beef, Awa chic...


Local cuisinerelated dishes


It is a local dish that has been eaten especially in the Northwest region on the Sea ...

Basa Akita

Gibashi is the same seaweed as wakame and mozuku, which has been eaten in Akita Prefe...

Kibimochi, Awamochi, Tochi Mochi Kyoto
Kibimochi, Awamochi, Tochi Mochi

Kyoto Prefecture is home to the Tango Mountains in the north and the Tanba Mountains ...

Takenoko soup Aomori
Takenoko soup

It is a local dish of Aomori Prefecture in a soup made with bamboo mushrooms. The bam...

Kusamochi Gifu

Kusamochi (kusamochi) is a popular confectionary known as a specialty of Kaizu City. ...

Atsumino Karinto Akita
Atsumino Karinto

It is completely different from the general image of karinto, it has a square shape o...
