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Oita Other recommended dishes

Suppon pot Oita
Suppon pot

Suppon grown in Oita Prefecture, which has an ideal environment for breeding Suppon s...

Toriten Oita

Toriten is a local dish loved since ancient times in Oita. It is a dish that uses pon...

Get it from Nakatsu Oita
Get it from Nakatsu

The B-class gourmet “Nakatsu Karaage” representing Oita Prefecture is now famous nati...

Cancer jiru Oita
Cancer jiru

Ganjiru is a local dish of Usa made using crab (also called mokuzugani or zugani) cau...

Saeki sushi Oita
Saeki sushi

The Bungo Channel, which is a complex rias coast, nurtures such a unique topography, ...

Yaseuma Oita

It is a local dish of Oita where kneaded flour is spread flat and boiled, sprinkled w...


Local cuisinerelated dishes

Yawata Gyoza Fukuoka
Yawata Gyoza

Workers working at the government-run Yawata Steel Works had severe physical fatigue ...

Umegae mochi Fukuoka
Umegae mochi

The chewy, thin dough is baked crisply, and the inside is plump cooked azuki beans fr...

Kelp marinating Toyama
Kelp marinating

Kombuzaki is a dish created by combining kombu from Hokkaido brought by Kitamaebune i...

Shimotsukare Tochigi

On the first day of February (the first morning of the afternoon of February), it is ...

Saga Nori Saga
Saga Nori

Saga Nori is farmed in the Ariake Sea. Nutrient-rich fresh water and seawater are mod...

red konjac Shiga
red konjac

Red konjac, which is rare even across the country, has been said to have been dyed re...
