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Akita Other recommended dishes

Atsumino Karinto Akita
Atsumino Karinto

It is completely different from the general image of karinto, it has a square shape o...

Babajera Akita

Babajera is an ice sale on the street where people of Akita do not know. It is a refr...

Kogyoku apple pie Akita
Kogyoku apple pie

“Kogyoku Apple's Apple Pie” has a fresh scent of apples drifting from the cut end of ...

Basa Akita

Gibashi is the same seaweed as wakame and mozuku, which has been eaten in Akita Prefe...

Hachiko's sweets Akita
Hachiko's sweets

Odate city in Akita prefecture is the hometown of the loyal dog Hachiko, and sells va...

Rock brat Akita
Rock brat

Kisakata, Nikaho City, Akita Prefecture is a town facing the Sea of Japan at the sout...


Local cuisinerelated dishes

Fish paste Toyama
Fish paste

Toyama fish paste is represented by “swirling fish paste” such as kelp rolls, etc., a...

Eel dishes in Narita Chiba
Eel dishes in Narita

The area around Naritasan Omotesando, where Naritasan Shinshoji Temple is located, is...

Pawpaw Okinawa

Pawpaw is an Okinawan confectionery made by dissolving wheat flour in an appropriate ...

Yamakawazuke Kagoshima

The Yamakawa district of Ibusuki City, Kagoshima Prefecture, where Yamakawazuke is ha...

Mikan mochi Wakayama
Mikan mochi

Wakayama Prefecture boasts one of the leading tangerines production in Japan. In part...

Pickled Japanese vegetables Shiga
Pickled Japanese vegetables

It has a long history, and it is said that it originated when Gamo Sadahide, the lord...
