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Tochigi Other recommended dishes

Tochiotome Tochigi

Tochigi Prefecture is a strawberry kingdom that has maintained the number one strawbe...

Shimotsukare Tochigi

On the first day of February (the first morning of the afternoon of February), it is ...

yuba Tochigi

Yuba is a traditional ingredient in Nikko, and it seems that it already existed in th...

Sano ramen Tochigi
Sano ramen

There is a feature of flat noodles using bamboo to make noodles. Noodles are strong, ...

Daikon soba Tochigi
Daikon soba

It is a local cuisine around Sano City, Tochigi Prefecture, which has continued since...

Salt bean daifuku Tochigi
Salt bean daifuku

In Tochigi Prefecture, there are not many shops that use Japanese sweets such as Daif...


Local cuisinerelated dishes

steamed Ishikawa

There are “Kaga vegetables” as the brand vegetables certified by Kanazawa City. Among...

Tochimochi Ishikawa

Tochimochi, which has dark grains and is slightly brownish, has been eaten since anci...

Mitarashi dango Gifu
Mitarashi dango

Mitarashi dango are skewer dango topped with kudzu bean paste, a sugar soy sauce, whi...

Basa Akita

Gibashi is the same seaweed as wakame and mozuku, which has been eaten in Akita Prefe...

Yokosuka Navy Curry Kanagawa
Yokosuka Navy Curry

In the Meiji period, the menu devised to combat beriberi of naval soldiers is derived...

Hamamatsu Gyoza Shizuoka
Hamamatsu Gyoza

The production of “cabbage”, “onion” and “pork” was popular in Hamamatsu, so it becam...
