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Kagoshima Other recommended dishes

Mango Suites Kagoshima
Mango Suites

Mango from Kagoshima prefecture is a “ripe mango” that is completely ripe on the tree...

White shaved ice Kagoshima
White shaved ice

Shirakuma is a sweet that has long been popular in Kagoshima for shaved ice made with...

Koukuma Kagoshima

A mango-flavored white bear with an original arrangement added to Kagoshima's special...

Kesen dango Kagoshima
Kesen dango

It is a Japanese confectionery with a smooth texture that spreads slightly sweet red ...

Chicken rice (Keihan) Kagoshima
Chicken rice (Keihan)

Keihan is a local dish made in the Amami archipelago in Kagoshima Prefecture, and is ...

Bokke nabe Kagoshima
Bokke nabe

When you say “bokke” in Kagoshima prefecture, it means “bold and exciting,” and it is...


Local cuisinerelated dishes

Katsuyama oyaki Fukui
Katsuyama oyaki

“Oyaki” loved by Katsuyama citizens is a Japanese confectionary made by wrapping slig...

Soft serve Kagawa
Soft serve

Kagawa prefecture has an abundance of soft serve ice cream made with local specialtie...

Pawpaw Okinawa

Pawpaw is an Okinawan confectionery made by dissolving wheat flour in an appropriate ...

Ichimonji Guruguru Kumamoto
Ichimonji Guruguru

“Hitomoji” is called wakegi outside of Kumamoto, but those grown in Kumamoto are uniq...

Eggs are fluffy Shizuoka
Eggs are fluffy

“Egg fuwafuwa” is a dish that appeared in the Edo period document “Sendai Shimomuko N...

Kuzu manju Fukui
Kuzu manju

Kuzumanju is a simple manju that has been made since long ago in Obama, and is a simp...
