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Kumamoto Other recommended dishes

Horse meat soba Kumamoto
Horse meat soba

Kumamoto Prefecture is ranked No. 1 in Japan for horse meat production (Ministry of A...

Korean candy Kumamoto
Korean candy

“Korean candy” is the oldest venerable traditional confectionery in Kumamoto, and it ...

Ichimonji Guruguru Kumamoto
Ichimonji Guruguru

“Hitomoji” is called wakegi outside of Kumamoto, but those grown in Kumamoto are uniq...

Taiping Yan Kumamoto
Taiping Yan

Taiping Yan is an arrangement of local cuisine from Fujian Province, China, replacing...

suddenly dumpling Kumamoto
suddenly dumpling

It is a traditional Kumamoto local confectionery with a rustic flavor made from flour...

Makigaki (makigaki) Kumamoto
Makigaki (makigaki)

A traditional food handed down in Yamato-cho, Kamimashiki-gun, in the Uki district, f...


Local cuisinerelated dishes

Abekawa mochi Shizuoka
Abekawa mochi

Abekawa-mochi (abekawa-mochi) is freshly made mochi sprinkled with soybean flour mixe...

Gorojima Kintoki Ishikawa
Gorojima Kintoki

Gorojima Kintoki is a sweet potato that is mainly produced in the Agasaki district of...

Momotaro grapes Okayama
Momotaro grapes

Okayama, a sunny country, is blessed with its climate and climate, and is called the ...

Yaseuma Oita

It is a local dish of Oita where kneaded flour is spread flat and boiled, sprinkled w...

Nagano Oyaki Nagano
Nagano Oyaki

Oyaki, a specialty of Nagano Prefecture, is a food made by melting flour and buckwhea...

suddenly dumpling Kumamoto
suddenly dumpling

It is a traditional Kumamoto local confectionery with a rustic flavor made from flour...
