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Yamaguchi Other recommended dishes

Iwakuni sushi Yamaguchi
Iwakuni sushi

Pressed sushi made in Iwakuni, Yamaguchi Prefecture is also called “Tonosama Sushi” b...

Fuku (Tessa) Yamaguchi
Fuku (Tessa)

In Yamaguchi Prefecture, fugu is called 'fugu' with auspicious luck. Long ago, becaus...

Urume sardine maruboshi Yamaguchi
Urume sardine maruboshi

“Sardine” named as a weak fish that easily falls in freshness and dies soon. “Urme” c...

Fuguchiri Yamaguchi

Fuguchiri is a nabe that serves as a leading ingredient in which fugu is served as a ...

Iwakuni Lotus root Yamaguchi
Iwakuni Lotus root

Iwakuni is one of the leading production areas of lotus root in Japan. The distinctiv...

Mojiko yaki curry Yamaguchi
Mojiko yaki curry

Mojiko yaki curry is really fragrant and delicious when a Japanese restaurant called ...


Seafoodrelated dishes

Spring delicacy · Kamenote Saga
Spring delicacy · Kamenote

Kamenote is a kind of crustaceans similar to shrimps and crabs, and it lives in rocky...

Mari pickled Okayama
Mari pickled

One of the local dishes of Okayama Prefecture is pickled in the leaves. It is said th...

Sendai zoni Miyagi
Sendai zoni

Sendai zoni has been eaten since the end of the Edo period. Halle's day meal with bea...

Spiny lobster Miyazaki
Spiny lobster

Spiny lobster caught in Miyazaki is caught in the rough seas of the Hyuga Sea and rec...

Simmered shishamono Hokkaido
Simmered shishamono

“Shishamono sweet boiled” is a local dish made using shishamo, one of Hokkaido's lead...

Salt-grilled sweetfish Gifu
Salt-grilled sweetfish

In Gifu Prefecture, where many mountains are towering, there are clear streams throug...
